Anfy 2

Applet Tutorial

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Applet Tutorial: Zoom and Blur Text
This applet displays a scrolling text, using coloured fonts. The text can scroll horizontally, vertically or with a circular move. You can add Blur or/and Zoom effect, and also stars using Anfy Font. The coloured fonts are in AFT (Anfy Font) format.
You can create your own aft fonts using a paint program, otherwise download freely the AFT fonts collection from here:

[For more technical information about the available parameters, click here.]

Most parameters are self-explanatory and you can always see brief description of each parameter by moving the mouse pointer over the wizard.


Basic setting

Define the Resolution and the applet Width and Height. Resolution is a zooming factor. For instance, if resolution is 2, the applet size is doubled. The recommended value for resolution is always 1. This produce the highest image quality. Check Enable textscroll, if necessary. Select Background color. With Display mode parameter you specify the text display mode: The "normal" value will draw replacing colors. The "over" will draw adding colors to what's on background (mixing).

Text scrolling

There are 4 text scrolling modes: no, horizontal, vertical, ellipse. If the scrolling mode is set to "no" or "ellipse", the texts are displayed line by line, and the two timing parameters are activated to calibrate the timing of lines swapping. Set the number of frames (duration) to display a line of the text at Display Text Frames. The value for Delay frames represents the waiting time between lines to be shown. With Blur parameter you can set the blur value [1, 255], which is the color component subtracted for each level of blur to reach the black of the background. Lower values gives soft and more propagated blurring, higher values gives stronger decadence of color, fading to black sooner. With Text Space parameter you specify the horizontal space between letters.

If the scrolling mode is ellipse, you need to set the Ellipse Radius. X and Y represent horizontal and vertical radius. If the scrolling is either horizontal or vertical, the text is scrolled continuously, at a speed choosen at Scrolling Speed. The Speed value can be either negative or positive in order to get the different scrolling directions and speed. For left to right, or up to down scrolling set speed > 0. For right to left, or down to up scrolling set speed < 0. To calibrate speed, consider speed="8" scrolls 1 pixel per frame. In the case of horizontal scrolling, it's suggested to use negative values, in order to scroll the text from right to left <-, even if it's possible to use positive values to have a strange scroller. To specify negative values use the "-" minus sign, for example: "-8".


There are four zooming modes:

"normal" = zoom & blur
"noblur" = no blur effect
"nozoom" = no zoom effect
"no" = no zoom effect, no blur

Specify the value for Zoom Levels Distance Coefficient from [1, 100]. Lower values make the blur levels more distant, higher values make the blur levels nearer. Four zooming movement options are available including "no", "circle", "random". If the value is "no", you can specify the center of zoom at Center XY. The center of applet is equal to "0", and you can place positive or negative values to change the center of zooming.


If you prefer, set the number of starts at Star Number box, and define the string which represents the star at Character box. This string will be draw with corresponding AnfyFont. It's suggested to specify one only character, for example "*", "-", or a character which in the selected font have a nice image. However, you can also choose to use a string like "ANFY" as star. Finally, Display mode controls the way to draw the stars. Set it to "normal" to replace colors, or "over" to add colors over the existing background (mising).

When you click the "Next >" button, you will see the Text entering box, and Anfy Font Property. Enter your choice of text directly, or import the text content from a file. Anfy Font can be obtained from

Now, proceed to the expert menu.